Monday, October 26, 2009

What I see in this photo is what looks like a kitchen of an apartment of some sort. It looks messy and cluttered with dishes and bags of stuff. 

Questions I have for this photo are:
-What is the artist trying to say with this photo?
-What composition techniques is the artist using?
-What are the things in the bag?
-What is outside of the photo?

I am not completely sure of what the artist is trying to say in this photograph. To me it just looks like a photo of any kitchen area that any person could have. 

Monday, October 19, 2009

Deer In The Headlights

My idiom was "Deer In The Headlights". I made it by taking different photos that related to my idiom off the internet and putting them together. I chose this imagery because it represented my idiom. The story behind this is that a deer is suprised in the street in front f a car.

Monday, October 12, 2009

One thing I discovered about photography while taking these photos was that you can take something unimportant and turn it into an image that represents something. 
This will help me in future photography assignments by helping me choose things to take photos of because i know that I don't have to be too picky. 

Monday, October 5, 2009

Assignment 2

This is an extreme close up image. The composition technique I used for this photo is the rule of thirds. I took this photo in the hallway outside of the classroom. This is my favorite because I think it looks cooler than all the other ones. I would title this photograph, "Face".